2025-26 School year


Intent to Enroll

Please sign up for Ashley River Classical Academy’s intent to enroll form and stay updated on upcoming enrollment dates and deadlines for the 2025-26 school year.

If you have questions, please see our Enrollment FAQs.

Step 1: Complete a Lottery Application


Ashley River Classical Academy will accept applications for grades K-5th Grade for the 2024/2045 School Year. Applications will be submitted online through SchoolMint on January 2, 2024 through March 1, 2024.

If the number of applications received during open enrollment exceeds the capacity of the school or a grade level, we will conduct a lottery. If all applications can be accepted, we will not conduct a lottery and all applicants would receive acceptance.

After Open Enrollment, you may still apply after open enrollment; however, there may be waitlists. Applications will be accepted for enrollment in the order of submission if space allows (first-come, first-served). If the grade level is at capacity, the applications will be added to the waitlist (after waitlisted applicants from the lottery) in order of submission.

Step 2: Receive an Offer to Register or Waitlist Status


The 2024-2025 lottery will be conducted on March 4, 2024. All applicants in the lottery will be notified within 4 businesses of lottery results via the email provided during the application process.

When the lottery is run, if the number of applications submitted within this period of time exceeds the number of seats available for any grade level, a system generated, a random lottery will be processed in order to determine who is offered a seat at the school. All applications submitted within the Open Enrollment period will have an equal opportunity for admission, regardless of whether they are submitted on the first day or the last day of Open Enrollment.

The number of student seats available in each grade will determine how many are sent offers to register. If your student is selected for a seat, you will receive an offer to register. If your student is placed on a waitlist due to more applicants than seats available, you will be notified of waitlist status.
If you receive an offer for a seat. you have 4 days to accept.

Step 3: Accept Offer to Register


Once an applicant has been offered a seat at our school, you will have 4 days to accept the offer to let us know you plan to complete the registration process. To accept the offer, follow the instructions in the email received from SchoolMint.

You will have 30 calendar days from the date you accept the offer to register to complete the registration process through SchoolMint. If you are unable to upload the documents, please email [email protected] or call the school so that we can assist you. Families who do not complete the registration process by the due date will lose their student’s seat; that seat will be turned over to the next student on the waiting list.

Step 4: Complete Registration


You MUST have ALL of these documents in order to be verified to begin at Ashley River Classical Academy. If you can NOT produce these items within the 30 days allowed after accepting your offer, your seat offer will be rescinded. If this occurs you must reapply as a new seat and work your way back through the waitlist.

  • Birth Certificate *Cannot be a card, MUST be the original form with parent info*
  • Parent/Guardian ID 
  • Two (2) Proof of residency (utility bills – must be within the last 30 days) 
    • Utility bill (water, sewer, electric, gas)
    • Mortgage or lease
    • Bank statement
    • Homeowner’s Insurance
  • Immunization Records – must be on South Carolina DHEC Form or an exemption letter. 
  • Proof of Custody court documents, if applicable
  • EP/IEP/504 plans (if applicable)

Enrollment FAQs

How can I learn more about Ashley River Classical Academy?

We encourage our interested families to attend an upcoming parent information meeting to find out more about our school’s programs.

How Old Must My Child Be to Enroll in Kindergarten?

To apply to kindergarten, students must be 5 years old on or before August 31st of that enrolling year.

Attendance is mandatory and compulsory for five-year-olds. State law states “students may enter Kindergarten in the public schools of this State if they will attain the age of five on or before September first of the applicable school year or have substantially initiated a public school Kindergarten program in another state that has a different attendance age requirement from South Carolina”.

Which grade levels are offered at Ashley River Classical Academy?

Ashley River Classical Academy will initially offer kindergarten through fifth grade. We will continue to add a grade each year until K-12 is served.

Is there an application form to submit for enrollment?

Link coming soon!

What happens if the number of applications exceeds capacity?

If the number of applications exceed capacity for all or specific grades, those students who were not given a seat will be placed on a waitlist respective to their grade. 

Are preferences given to sure students in the enrollment and lottery process?

The priority order in the lottery setting process is:

  • Children of founding board members and employees of the school, and siblings of enrolled students 
  • Students from the county-at-large
  • Students from other surrounding counties 
  • Students of active military personnel residing in the state 

How will I learn the results of the lottery and know if my student has been offered a seat?

Results of the lottery (including waiting lists by grade) will be available in each applicant’s online account on the Parent Dashboard immediately following the lottery event. Parents will also receive an email with this information. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that ARCA  has the most updated contact information (phone, mailing address, and email address) for notification purposes.

What happens once I am notified that my child has been offered an available seat?

Parents of all students who have been offered an available seat must complete and submit registration forms with valid supporting documents by the deadline communicated by the enrollment manager, or the student’s seat will be forfeited to a student on the waiting list.

Will my student have to participate in the lottery each year?

No. Once officially attending, all ARCA students have the opportunity to re-enroll for future years. Students who do NOT re-enroll by the deadline cannot be guaranteed a seat for the forthcoming school year.

Will the grade-level waiting lists for the current school year carry over into the enrollment period for the following school year?

No. Each school year we start fresh with a lottery so that everyone has a fair chance of getting in.

our mission & vision

Aiming for the good, true, and beautiful

Ashley River Classical Academy is dedicated to providing a classical education that encompasses the liberal arts and sciences, complemented by instruction in moral character and civic virtue. Our mission extends beyond preparing students solely for college and careers; we aim to cultivate their longing for what is good, true, and beautiful. We prioritize primary sources and classic literature, enabling students to engage with the profound thinkers who have shaped Western culture.

Now Hiring K-12 Teachers

ARCA is looking for teachers who have a solid understanding of classical education, a dedication to the liberal arts and the teaching of civics, and a strong capacity for organizational leadership.