Requests for Proposal (RFP)

Current Requests for Proposal

Per State guidelines, Ashley River Classical is accepting {service} bids for {vended meals} at Ashley River Classical Academy located at 2025 Bees Ferry Rd, Charleston, SC 29414.

The project includes {vended meals for breakfast, lunch, and afterschool snack}.

Submitted bids will be opened and read publicly on {3/13/2025 at 3 p.m.} for the furnishing of materials, labor, and equipment for the {vended meals project}:

The contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder, considering quality, performance, the time specified in the bids for the contract, and compliance with South Carolina General statutes.  

BIDDERS MAY OBTAIN ELECTRONIC copies of the PLANS and CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained from the following link:

Vended Meals Link

Hard copies of the plans and contract documents will not be distributed.

Contractors offering a proposal on this project must be licensed to contract in the State of South Carolina under the South Carolina General Statutes.

Ashley River Classical Academy reserves the right to reject any or all bids for proposals.