2025-26 School year

Enrollment Process

Step 1: Complete a Lottery Application


Ashley River Classical Academy will accept applications for grades K-5th Grade for the 2025/2026 School Year. Applications will be submitted online through SchoolMint on November 4, 2024 through February 14, 2025.

If the number of applications received during open enrollment exceeds the capacity of the school or a grade level, we will conduct a lottery. If all applications can be accepted, we will not conduct a lottery and all applicants would receive acceptance.

After Open Enrollment, you may still apply after open enrollment; however, there may be waitlists. Applications will be accepted for enrollment in the order of submission if space allows (first-come, first-served). If the grade level is at capacity, the applications will be added to the waitlist (after waitlisted applicants from the lottery) in order of submission.

Step 2: Receive an Offer to Register or Waitlist Status


The 2025-2026 lottery will be conducted on February 17, 2025. All applicants in the lottery will be notified within 4 business days of lottery results via the email provided during the application process.

When the lottery is run, if the number of applications submitted within this period of time exceeds the number of seats available for any grade level, a system generated, a random lottery will be processed in order to determine who is offered a seat at the school. All applications submitted within the Open Enrollment period will have an equal opportunity for admission, regardless of whether they are submitted on the first day or the last day of Open Enrollment.

The number of student seats available in each grade will determine how many are sent offers to register. If your student is selected for a seat, you will receive an offer to register. If your student is placed on a waitlist due to more applicants than seats available, you will be notified of waitlist status.
If you receive an offer for a seat. you have 4 days to accept on Schoolmint.

Step 3: Accept Offer to Register


Once an applicant has been offered a seat at our school, you will have 4 days to accept the offer to let us know you plan to complete the registration process. To accept the offer, follow the instructions in the email received from SchoolMint.

You will have 14 calendar days from the date you accept the offer to register to complete the registration process through SchoolMint. If you are unable to upload the documents, please email [email protected] or call the school so that we can assist you. Families who do not complete the registration process by the due date will lose their student’s seat; that seat will be turned over to the next student on the waiting list.

Step 4: Complete Registration


For families with offered seats, please log into SchoolMint and complete your student’s registration within 14 days of acceptance. If you are unable to provide the required documents within this 14-day period, your seat offer will be rescinded. In that case, you will need to reapply and re-enter the waitlist.

You MUST have ALL of these documents in order to be verified to begin at Ashley River Classical Academy. 

  • State Issued Birth Certificate *Cannot be a card, MUST be the original form with parent info*
  • Parent/Guardian ID 
  • Two (2) Proof of residency (utility bills – must be within the last 30 days) 
    • Utility bill (water, sewer, electric, gas),
    • Mortgage or lease,
    • Bank statement
    • Homeowner’s insurance
  • Immunization Records – must be on South Carolina DHEC Form or an exemption letter
  • Proof of Custody court documents, if applicable
  • EP/IEP/504 plans (if applicable)

If your application has been accepted, please visit the parent portal to complete the registration process.

Important Enrollment Dates:



Now Hiring K-12 Teachers

ARCA is looking for teachers who have a solid understanding of classical education, a dedication to the liberal arts and the teaching of civics, and a strong capacity for organizational leadership.